Text to put in  here
MTwo Ls with a orange-to-teal-to-orange gradient surround a smaller pair of Ls that are filled din with teal Two Ls with a orange-to-teal-to-orange gradient surround a smaller pair of Ls that are filled din with teal

About Logan Lehew

My name is Logan Lehew, and I am 27 years old. I have lived in the pennsylvania area for my entire life, and currently reside in the wexford area.

An image of logan lehew taken in a semi-professional manner..

A Detailed overview of my history.

I graduated from North Allegheny high school in 2012, and attended BC3 for one year. After some years of job hunting, I decided to give college a second try with mercyhurst university. I have currently attended mercyhurst for 5 semesters. I am aiming for a major in grahpic design with an undeecided minor. Right now my GPA is 3.38 and I am aiming to graduate in the fall of 2022.

Right now, my plan for the future is to move into graphic design with a photogrpahical angle, using image manipulations and edits to create products for clients. I see my photography to be a hobby right now, but I'm considering getting it involved in my future in a major way. For this to happen, I plan to move forwards with photography classes in the future. I have taken at least two classes in photography, and plan to take one or two more moving forwards.

Despite the focus in photography, I am making sure to not neglect the other parts of graphic design. I have also done some more physical work, particularly involving sketches and paintings. I have also dabbled in clay sculptures in the past, and even own a spinning wheel at home! I plan to branch my interests out in the future, particularly involving the wheel.

In terms of my resume, it can be obtained by clicking the green text here. This resume contains a detailed record of my experiences, from high school, to volunteer work, to jobs. My resume is currently up-to-date for 2021 and I hope to expand on it in the near future.

Examples of digital art and my work with Photoshop
An edited self-portrait on the left, and an edited scan of leaves taken in a lightroom on the right.
A Logan stares at a light snake through a window, mirrored on the left and inverted on the bottom. In the inverted photo the logan is instead staring at a sign pointing at him in both directions.Blue leaves arranged on a yellow background, shot in silihouette
An example of my photographical work
"Berry in the Drain", taken in september 2020.
A Close-up view of a berry in a storm drain.
Examples of my physical artwork
A Study of a can of sunkist. Corners are painted, centers are drawn in sharpie, and center is drawn in pencil.
A Collage of 9 sunkist cans, four painted, four drawn in sharpie, and one colored in with pencil.