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a collection of stone marbles

Marbles have had a long past, being used all throughout history for a variety of purposes. Some of the more notable uses that marbles have had throughout history have been as follows:

  1. The exact origins of marbles aren't known, but ancient stones polished by rivers are the first recorded marbles in history.
  2. From there, marbles have been seen in many ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Native American tribes.
  3. The first mass-produced marbles were made of clay by Sam Dyke in 1884 using a special box to smooth clay lumps into marbles.
  4. In 1915, glass marbles began to be mass-produced thanks to M.F. Christensen. This machine consisted of using grooved cylinders to cool a slab of molten glass into rolling spheres.
  5. After a brief downturn in production in the 30's and 40's, marble production began to branch out again in future decades, allowing for many more materials to be made into marbles for all to enjoy!
a collection of marbles from different time periods
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@Mr. Marble, 1998