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a grouping of marbles, all of which are solid colors of varying hues and values.

When it comes to marbles, there are many different kinds of ways one can make their marbles distinct and unique, to prevent confusion with other marbles. Two notable kinds of marbles are clear marbles and solid marbles. These marbles can be told apart based on whether or not they are transparent or not, but both kinds can be highly varied in terms of presentation.

A clear transparent marbleA solid red marble that looks like the happy fun ball from that one SNL skit
a clear marble with a blue fillinga white marble with a red swirl running through it
a clear marble with blue and red lines running through ita blue marble with a yellow wave running through it
a complex marble with many colors converging into a black and white cylindrical centera marble that alternates between black and white swirls

This is just a small sample of the kinds of designs that marbles can have.
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@Mr. Marble, 1998