A Photograph portraying a model looking away from the camera while doing her hair, while the bottom shows the same scene but taken from the top down.

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Notable Photographs

Shades of Sepia is a blend of photography and photoshop. the focus is on the photographical aspect. The color scheme consists exclusively of sepia tones, which help showcase the model’s full range of tonal value. The contrast between the abstract back photo and the detailed upper photo is sudden and sharp, which really draws the viewer in and asks them the question which side of the body they’re paying attention to here.
A Close-up view of a berry resting in a storm drain. The drain itself resist ominously in the background out of focus.
Berries in the Drain captures the plight of a berry that could be swept away by rushing rain at any moment. This is macro photography, a type of photography that places emphasis and detail onto smaller objects. The allows one to get a greater focus into subjects they wouldn’t have considered otherwise. This photo was touched up in lightroom, and resized in photoshop to bring out the best qualities of the photo. Both of these photographs were submitted and accepted for display in Patricia S. Yahn ‘50 Juried Student Art Show in its 2021 showcase.

Contact Information

225 Woodhurst Terrace, Wexford PA, 15090
loganlehew14@gmail.com ~2022 - Logan Lehew