The poster for Saturday Night, showing the main character walking away from the New York City Skyline surrounded by information about the play.

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Saturday Night Poster

This poster design is for the play Saturday Night, and is meant to invoke a downtrodden individual in New York. The cover shows a figure walking away from the city as hard times befall the city. The play takes place right before the stock market crash of 1929. This is alluded to in the play itself, so it allows the audience to remain spoiler-free while still getting the theme of the play across.

The poster leans heavily minimalistic in its presentation. It uses symbolism from the 1920’s New York era, such as the glitzy font style, the bridge leading into the city that plays a heavy role in the play, the skyline that characterizes the city, and the impending stock market crash that our protagonist barely avoids through his abandonment. The color choices range from utilitarian white to positive green to drab-yet-elegant gold. Lines and squares dominate the New York skyline, while the bridge and the figure are both curved to represent the difference that the two worlds have.
A Poster for the play Saturday Night. It shows the main character walking down the new york skyline, represented by a falling stock line. In front of him is information about the play.
Information is given about the Saturday Night play. The main character is not present, and new york's skyline takes full center beneath the play's information..
The Saturday Night poster, but the only textual element is the title.
These are variations of the poster, meant for advertising in other forms of media. While they are mostly variations of the main poster, the center variant is a different take on the idea. The play's information is more heavily emphasized, and the postcard is overall much more minimal in its content than the main poster is.

Contact Information

225 Woodhurst Terrace, Wexford PA, 15090 ~2022 - Logan Lehew