A T-shirt mockup featuring mercyhurst's famous gate. It features the #HurstIsHome Hashtag the campus is known for.

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T-Shirt Designs

A T-shirt mockup featuring the front door of mercyhurst's cental church. It features the #HurstIsHome Hashtag the campus is known for.

Four shirts meant to promote the brand of Mercyhurst. These four concepts focus on symbols that are central to the college. On the top left is Mercyhurst’s famous entrance gate. The top-right represents the placement signs scattered throughout Mercyhurst’s campus. The bottom-left represents mercyhurst’s clock tower that strikes its bells on the hour. Finally, the bottom-right is a pictorial of the door leading to Old Mercy, Mercyhurst’s chapel. All four shirts proudly display the hashtag central to Mercyhurst: #HurstIsHome.
A T-shirt mockup featuring the verious locational signs spread throughout mercyhurst It features the #HurstIsHome Hashtag the campus is known for.

The color scheme of the shirts is intended to have only two or three colors each. White, and Blue are both key colors, with white showing up in all four shirts and blue showing up in three. Black shows up in two shirts, and green shows up in one. All four of these colors come directly from Mercyhurst’s branding manual, and their depictions obey the other rules set forth by the manual.
A T-shirt mockup featuring mercyhurst's clock, located in its main plaza. It features the #HurstIsHome Hashtag the campus is known for.

Contact Information

225 Woodhurst Terrace, Wexford PA, 15090
loganlehew14@gmail.com ~2022 - Logan Lehew