Logan Lehew Logo
The front page of the Pittsburgh Pretzel Pitt Graphic Design Manual, featuring its crisp pretzel logo alongside a description denoting its status as the graphic design manual
The color page for the PPP GDSM, showing the various colors that the brand uses, the exact code for the colors, the inspiration for the colors, and how they visually look.

This graphic design standards manual is for the updated Pretzel Pitt, a fictional pretzel shop based in pittsburgh. This manual goes over how the brand is used, the various ways that are acceptable and unaccaptable to use the logo, its various lettermarks, and the color scheme associated with the company.
A Page showing two variations of the PPP Logo. One logo is in black & white, and the other is in three colors. The logo itself is a diamond shape with various sprinkles strewn throughout it. In the center is three P's, the middle one is larger than the other two. Beneath it reads the Pittsburgh Pretzel Pitt..
A page showing how not to use the logo. Mistakes include putting a background behind the logo, using incorrect colors alongside the logo, rotating the logo, distorting the logo, enclosing the logo, altering its letter marks, and outright remoing its letter marks.
Having all of this information together allows clients to use the product’s branding in the most percise manner possible to successfully promote the brand. These pages show how the logo should and should not look when using it to promote the brand in a consistent manner.

Contact Information

225 Woodhurst Terrace, Wexford PA, 15090
loganlehew14@gmail.com ~2022 - Logan Lehew